The Texas Young Republicans routinely survey our membership to determine what they think should be priority items of the Texas Legislature. At the TYRF 2022 Convention we passed a resolution with these legislative priorities for 2023-2024:

  1. Parental Rights in Education. Empower parents by prohibiting classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through grade 3, requiring school personnel to notify parents of changes to their children’s health or well-being, requiring school personnel to obtain parental consent before administering or referring their children for non-emergency mental health services, and requiring the regular publication of curricula and lesson plans on a publicly-accessible website.
  2. School Choice. Support legislation giving families the right of school choice through various programs, including, but not limited to, vouchers, education savings accounts (ESAs), scholarship programs, tax credits, etc, while also protecting the rights of homeschoolers.
  3. End Child Gender Modification. Protect children by prohibiting sexual transition surgeries, hormonal blockers, social transitioning, or other related interventions.
  4. Secure the Border and Protect Texans. Support legislation that mitigates the effects of illegal immigration through several means, including, but not limited to, increased funding for Operation Lone Star, additional resources to DPS troopers, allocation of additional financing for HHSC, ending in-state tuition for illegal aliens, as well as continued funding for the construction of the border wall, and increase criminal penalties for supplying and distribution of fentanyl.
  5. Ban COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates. Prohibit public and private entities from imposing vaccine mandates for employment or entering public places.
  6. No Men in Women’s Sports. Expand the protection in HB 25 prohibiting biological males from competing in K-12 female athletics to the collegiate level.

2023 Legislation that TYRF Supports or Opposes

The TYRF Policy Committee regularly meets to discuss bills introduced by the Texas Legislature.

Below you will find a list of bills that we, the TYRF Policy Committee, have chosen to support or oppose. You can read the bills in their entirety by going to https://capitol.texas.gov/ and looking up the bill by its number.

For questions or comments please contact our policy director, Eric Parikakis, at policy@texasyr.gop

Eric Parikakis

Policy Director
