These are the accumulated campaign announcements for individuals running to be elected to the TYRF State Board.

Mark C. Brown for State Chairman

My fellow YR’s:

It is my pleasure to announce that I will be running for re-election as Chairman of the Texas Young Republican Federation.  Before I ran for this position, I often heard local club members asking questions such as, “What does the state federation do?  Why do they matter?  How does the state federation affect my local club?”  Such questions reflect a lack of awareness about the state organization among our local club members, so I began my term with a promise to make the state organization more visible and more relevant to our local clubs, to create more benefits for our local clubs, and to raise the profile of our organization among those outside of our organization.  I believe I have accomplished these goals, with a number of accomplishments such as:

  1. Creating a “website-in-a-box” program. This program quickly rolls out a well designed but simple club website using our best practices for website design, so that new or smaller clubs will be able to focus on growing their clubs instead of designing websites. The website template is now being used by Nueces County YR’s, Midland YR’s, and HOT YR’s.  This website is a free benefit for local clubs and is rolled out by TYRF.
  2. Major cleanups on the technology backend of TYRF.  While it’s mundane to fix broken links, establish canonical email addresses like, and create an online sign up form for receiving At Large Memberships and donations, these are all necessary precursors to having a professionally run organization.
  3. Started a semi-regular Chairman’s email with a sign up form on the state website.  This was in part a workaround solution to a problem we were having with club presidents creating an information bottleneck by not relaying crucial information of state activities to their own members.  This list started at zero emails, and today comprises approximately 1,000 emails.
  4. Because I believe personal relationships are the key to coordinated activism, eight times now, I have visited at my own expense either a club’s monthly meeting or met separately with the officers of a club. These clubs are the Midland YRs, CenTex YRs, Hot YRs, Houston YRs, Dallas YRs, Greater Denton Co YRs, Tarrant Co YRs, Nueces Co YRs, and this Thursday I will visit my ninth club, the Montgomery Co YRs.
  5. Hosting the 2nd Annual Texas Red conference that featured an entire day of fantastic speakers who provided training on a variety of topics from holding a fundraising to using social media effectively.  This conference was started by the CenTex YR’s last year, and this year I had the state organization pick it up and supervised the organization of this conference. I intend for TYRF to continue this new tradition of holding a leadership conference annually.
  6. Hosted a “Bank on Capitalism” Rally with former presidential candidate, Herman Cain. This event was held during the Republican Party of Texas State Convention, and, for the first time in recent memory, resulted in the YR’s event being listed on the official program of the Republican State Convention.
  7. Club development manual and operations checklist. I believe there is a significant lack of practical knowledge among some of our clubs about how to run a local club effectively.  As the former club president of the Dallas YR’s, I grew the club’s membership by about 65% during my term to over 100 dues paying members. So after putting together some club operations checklists and borrowing a well-written club development manual from the New York YR’s, I put on a workshop for the board members of both the Nueces YR’s and the HOT YR’s and shared with them everything I know about running a club effectively.  Subsequently, both clubs quickly grew from about 6 or 7 members in attendance at a meeting to 20 – 30 members in about a month.  I would like to expand this training program and offer the training to every club with less than 25 members in attendance.
  8. Brought a measure of peace and unity to the TYRF Board.  Instead of fighting against each other, we have become unified in our efforts to work together to grow TYRF, to grow new leadership, to make a political impact, and ultimately to see our conservative principles advanced into law.

I am the most proud of this last accomplishment.  I believe we are now in the perfect position to move TYRF forward into a new level of professionalism and political effectiveness.  For this reason, I am announcing my bid for chairman under what I am calling the Unity Ticket.  The other TYRF members who have agreed to be on my Unity Ticket and the positions they are running for are:

  • Vice-Chairman: J Ross Lacy, Midland YRs
  • Finance Director: Jessica Pence, Rockwall YRs
  • Treasurer: Rebecca Finley-Young, Midland YRs
  • Secretary: Kristen Smith, HOT YRs
  • National Committeeman: Brian Bodine, Dallas YRs
  • National Committeewoman: Elizabeth Miller-Niles, Brazos YRs
  • Director of Club Development: Richard Morgan, Dallas YRs
  • SREC Liaison: Megan Higginbotham, HOT YRs
  • Political Action Director: Michael Dominguez, Austin YRs

In this next year, we have some important business to accomplish.  First, I would like to finish rolling out our state PAC, which will allow us to raise funds to help Republican candidates in November, as well as to engage in issue advocacy campaigns in the spring when the state legislature is in session.  Second, I would like to aggressively expand our officer training program for our smaller clubs and allocate sufficient resources to see them growing and healthy.  Third, I would like to see the Texas YR’s discuss and implement a legislative scorecard to rank our state legislators against a list of legislative priorities important to YR’s.  Finally, I would like to raise as much money as possible in order to fund a deployment of Texas YR’s to a battleground state during the final week of the Presidential election, so we can help retire Obama and get our economy running again.

I ask for your vote and your support for all of us on the Unity Ticket.

Mark C. Brown

J Ross Lacy for Vice Chair


It is with great privilege that I announce my intentions to run for Vice Chairman of the Texas Young Republicans Federation for the 2012 – 2013 fiscal year. For the past year I have proudly served as Treasurer of TYRF and truly have transformed the bookkeeping of the Federation into the 21st century. All bookkeeping of TYRF is now on QuickBooks and the checkbook is reconciled every month. The net income of TYRF under the leadership of Chairman Brown has increased 250% from the previous fiscal year. We have also gone to a cash basis accounting principles instead of an accrual basis accounting principles that was practiced before I became Treasurer. It has been a humbling and rewarding experience to serve on the Board for the last fiscal year and I would like to continue to serve under a new capacity. If elected Vice Chairman I would like to work on continuing to create strong working relationships with all the Republican auxiliary organizations in Texas and in turn increasing our political capital with the RPT. I already have numerous connections with most of the auxiliary organizations, so the transformation under the new leadership will be smooth and we will be able to start on day one. The relationship we have with other organizations will be crucial in the overall growth of TYRF. Second, besides increasing our presence with auxiliary organizations I would like to start an outreach program with all the Republican elected officials around the State.  This program would have a dual purpose for TYRF, one would be a new avenue of support for creating new clubs around the State, two would be financial as my goal would be to raise $10,000 for the Federation. Third, I would like to increase the local clubs in West Texas. Currently I have been helping the Ector Co. Young Republicans form and become a chartered member, along with being in contact with individuals in Lubbock, Amarillo, Abilene, and San Angelo to get clubs started in their respective cities. While expanding the clubs in the West Texas area would be in conjunction with the Club Development Officer, I felt that since I am in the area TYRF would be able to have a Board member in the region for the new clubs to work with. We all have a common goal of expanding TYRF I would like to do my part in West Texas. Finally, I would like to help TYRF hold another leadership conference that is well planned and organized so we are able to have a goal of 200 attendees. This conference would boast a number of Statewide elected officials as speakers and also bring in a national known political operative, perhaps Dick Morris. With next year being a non election year this event could really help our political capital.  So a breakdown of my platform:

  • Continue to create strong working relationships with all Republican auxiliary organizations in Texas.
  • Create an outreach program for club development and financial support from the Republican elected officials.
  • Expand the local clubs presence in West Texas to the 5 largest cities in the area.
  • Hold a Leadership Conference that has at least 200 attendees.

Now, these are lofty goals, but I feel that if I am elected we would be able to accomplish them.

I have also been the co-founder and President of the Midland Co. Young Republicans where we have seen membership grow from 0 to 42 in our first year. We have been extremely busy in helping Republican Candidates in the county, participating in community service projects, working with other young professional groups in Midland and sending 7 delegates to the RPT State Convention. In September we will be holding the 1st Annual Midland Co. Young Republicans Clay Shoot benefitting the local VFW Post and as of right now we are looking at raising $50,000. The community in Midland has been unwavering in their support for MCYR and have allowed us to grow.  Midland Co. strives to be the leading example for clubs in West Texas.

So, I ask for your Vote for J.Ross Lacy for TYRF Vice Chairman. I promise to have an open door policy with all Board members and clubs around the State and will do everything within my power to see TYRF grow by leaps and bounds, under the direction of the Chairman. Please pass this information along to all delegates within each of your respective clubs and I look forward to seeing everybody next weekend at the TYRF State Convention. If you have any questions you would like to ask me, please feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everybody has a wonderful week.


Respectfully submitted,

J.Ross Lacy
Treasurer, Texas Young Republican Federation
President, Midland Co. Young Republicans

Kristen Smith for Secretary


I am Kristen Smith, and I have the honor of announcing my wish to run for Secretary of the Texas Young Republican Federation.  I am a graduate of Texas A&M, and currently the President for the newly formed Heart of Texas Young Republicans.  During my time at A&M, I was in the Corps of Cadets, and served as Commanding Officer of the Corps of Cadets Color Guard.  I have learned from the best on how to manage my time and use my time to serve others.  My husband ran, and won by a landslide, for Hutto City Council my final year at A&M, and I helped run his campaign and social media outlets.  Before forming the Heart of Texas Young Republicans or HOT YRs as we call ourselves, I was a member of the CenTex YRs.  During my time with the CenTex YRs I served as Programming chair and then in November of 2011 was elected Chair.  I have often stated that my passion is to Educate, Activate and Empower the incoming voting generation, and that has now become the HOT YR motto.  The HOT YRs was formed on July 7, 2012 and in that short time we have created a strong base for the club, built ties with elected officials in our area, and started a strong Grassroots membership base.  I believe that I would be a great Secretary for TYRF because I have always been very organized (ask any of my Board of Directors), I am constantly in contact with TYRF board members so as to learn more about the club and help keep communication flowing between the board and the Heart of Texas Young Republicans, and because I have a strong passion for the Young Republicans.

I have always been an open person, and someone who welcomes new ideas and input.  I hope to have your vote for Secretary, and hope to see everyone at the 2012 TYRF State Convention!

Very Respectfully,

Kristen Smith

Rebecca Young for Treasurer

Good Morning to All,

My name is Rebecca Young and I am announcing my candidacy for Treasurer of the Texas Young Republican Federation.

I was born and raised in Midland, Texas.   As you know Midland is a bastion of conservatism and free enterprise, values that I have embraced and share.. I received my education from UT Permian Basin where I majored in Accounting. I’ve worked in the Oil & Gas business for 4 years and am currently working as a Tax Accountant in Public Accounting with a private accounting firm in Midland.

After college, I left to pursue a military career with the US Marine Corps in Quantico, Virginia; however an injury derailed my plans and I returned to my home state. Upon my return, I became more involved in the political scene as a member of the Midland County Republican Woman and also serving as Treasurer for the Midland County Young Republicans in 2011.

I was privileged to be able to attend the Texas Federation of Republican Women Convention in 2011 in Fort Worth, TX. It was an eye-opener to see so many devoted Republican Women voicing their beliefs in our Republican System and hear wonderful speakers; amongst them were the Honorable Donald Rumsfeld.

I also had the privilege of being a Delegate to the 2012 Texas GOP Convention in Fort Worth, TX. It was an amazing experience to be a working part of such an event and to interact with fellow Republicans with whom I share many values.

Considering my experience, educational background and service to Young Republicans, I respectfully ask for your vote in my candidacy as Treasurer for the Texas Young Republican Federation.

Thank you in advance for your vote!

Rebecca Young
Treasurer, Midland Co. Young Republicans

Richard Morgan for Director of Club Development

Good Morning,

With thanks to Mark for his support, I would like to announce my candidacy for Director of Club Development.

For the last year and a half, I’ve served on the board of the Dallas YR’s. In 2011, I was the Technology Director, and since January, I’ve been VP of Programming where I’ve had the opportunity to help put together a candidate forum and bring in a number of great conservative leaders.

Over the last couple years, I’ve done about 20 hours a week of volunteer work for a wide variety of candidates. During that time, I’ve also been active in the Dallas County Republican Party. I started as an adviser on the Technology Committee then became Precinct Chair, Election Judge, and recently Area Leader for 20 precincts in Uptown Dallas, which consists largely of young professionals.

Six months ago, I left my job as a software engineer so that I could devote more time to activism — an experience that is sadly winding down with my bank account. The first three months I spent running for Congress against a 25-year incumbent. He won, but the experience provided me with an opportunity to meet conservatives in 10 different counties across central Texas. During the runoff, I moved back to Dallas where I was an active volunteer on the Ted Cruz campaign.

My plan going into the next year is simple: I want to leverage the relationships I’ve built across North and Central Texas. I also want to make the effort to spend some time in Houston and visiting other YR clubs around the state. I’ve attended roughly 200 Republican clubs and grassroots events over the last year and plan to continue doing so. During the Primary, I advocated for various candidates. Now that we’re all on the same side again, my focus will be advocating for the YR’s.

Growth may be organic, but there is a lot we can do to maximize our potential for success, and one of my first priorities will be working with the board to make sure that we have an updated strategy for expansion. It’s important that clubs are taking full advantage of their local elected officials, and in areas where we have no YR clubs, I believe the responsibility falls on us as a board to reach out and see which elected officials would be willing to support us and help us get new clubs off the ground in their region.

Obviously Texas is a large state for any one person to cover, which means it will be important to recruit and empower regional directors who can assist on the ground.

I also want to compile a best practices guide with submissions from clubs across the state so that we can all learn from each other.

Lastly, it’s important that we take advantage of social media. If there’s anyone who understands technology and social media, it’s our generation, and I believe there is a lot we can do to grow our brand and raise our influence online.

With your support, I’m looking forward to serving with you all.

Richard Morgan
VP of Programming
Dallas County Young Republicans

Elizabeth Niles for National Committeewoman

Hi All!

Or rather I should say Howdy as for the first time as a Texas YR I will be hailing from Brazos County, home of the best university in the state – Texas A&M! (insert WHOOP!)

I am excited to announce my candidacy for continuation of representing Texas as your National Committeewoman.  Many of you whom I have had the pleasure of getting to know over the last six years of my involvement in TYRF know that I have played a role in representing Texas on the national level from the beginning though I am just completing my first year as national committeewoman.  I have worked in many areas on the national scene helping with communications, international outreach and deployment initiatives and currently sit as the Executive Assistant to the Chairman of the National Federation.  I am also serving on the International Committee, Communications Committee and Campaign Committee.

I am proud to say this gives Texas a great advantage when we are looking to place people nationally, go on deployments and keep abreast of how to help local clubs or be involved with national politics because we have done a great job as a team: Luke Niles, Mark Brown and I.

Beyond my national work, I have served as a Finance Chair for Texas (raising figures in the 5-digits for our efforts), Dallas YR Chairman, and National Communications Chairman.  But even when I haven’t had a title, I have worked for the good of Texas YRs because that is what we do in this organization.  I have always worked to ensure we have a strong national delegation and it was my efforts that ensured Texas had full voting strength for the first time in modern history through my recruitment and fundraising efforts when I first joined 6 years ago.  I have also served as committee chair or co-chair during every Texas YR Convention since my early involvement.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to be present for the convention on Saturday because that is the weekend I was already scheduled to move for graduate school.  But I would ask for your vote in abstentia as I believe my skills in fundraising within the state and helping raise Texas’ profile on the national level have been proven through a six year period of loyalty and hard work.  I will be serving as Constitution Co-Chair on Friday night and plan on coming out to social activities for a bit so I am looking forward to meeting all the new clubs and answering any questions you might have.

I am here to be a resource for you and a voice for Texas.

Kindest regards,

National Committeewoman – Texas Young Republican Federation
Executive Assistant to the Chairman – Young Republican National Federation

Jessica Pence for Finance Chair

Hi Everyone,
My name is Jessica Pence, and I am delighted to announce my intention
to run as the financial chair for the TYRF.  I currently serve as the
Vice-President of the Rockwall County Young Republicans.  I am a
graduate of SMU.  I would like to be Financial Chair because I want to
develop new ways of raising money for the YRs of Texas.  Currently, I
work at a non-profit where alongside the marketing team I devise
fundraising ideas and events.  I have been successful in fundraising
in my career and would love the opportunity to create new fundraising
initiatives for the YRs of Texas.

Thanks, and I hope to see everyone next weekend!

Brian Bodine for National Committeeman

Fellow Young Republicans,

My name is Brian Bodine, and I am announcing my candidacy for National Committeeman. I have been actively involved in the Young Republicans for over five years, having been a part of the Dallas Young Republican chapter as a member and as an officer in several capacities. Among the positions I have served in are Recruitment Director, Social Director, and Newsletter Director.  I have served as the Public Relations and Marketing Coordinator and the Director of Communications for the TYRF. Additionally, I have been consistent in writing original resolutions and have engaged in the amending of numerous resolutions since 2007. My experience in politics extends to having worked in grassroots organizing, campaign consulting, and media/PR.

In addition to protecting the interests of the Texas Federation within the YRNF, I will work towards ensuring that our organization has a more visible presence on the national level.  Not enough is being accomplished at the national level when there is potential to do much more.

Among what can be accomplished is the promotion and passing of more resolutions – some of which may be controversial – that make statements which reflect the sentiments of the young people who constitute the future of the Republican Party.

As your National Committeeman, I will be your voice at the national level. When you have a concern about anything, be it a political issue of importance or something concerning YRNF rules, protocol, happenings – you name it, I will be accessible to you and I will be prepared to represent the interests of the Texas Young Republican Federation.

See you at convention.


Brian Bodine
Social Director, Dallas YRs
YoungRepublican since July 2007