As Chairman of the Texas Young Republican Federation, it is my pleasure to announce the official call for our 2012 State Convention, in Fort Worth, TX, August 17 – 19, at the Worthington Rennaissance Hotel. The Tarrant County Young Republicans will be hosting the convention. The 2012 Convention Information Page is now live and accepting registrations.
The annual TYRF State Convention is a statewide gathering of Young Republicans to hear from prominent speakers, hone their political skills, network, and make some lifelong friendships. These conventions are a lot of fun. At the convention, we will also elect statewide officers for TYRF for the upcoming year, review any proposed changes to the TYRF state constitution and debate and pass resolutions.
Friday, August 17
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM Committee Meetings
8:30 PM – 2:00 AM Welcome Reception
Saturday, August 18
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM Political Training Seminars
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Lunch, with Lunch Keynote Speaker
1:30 PM – 5:30 PM Convention General Session
8:00 PM – 10:30 PM Gala Dinner, with Gala Keynote Speaker
Sunday, August 19
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM 1st TYRF Board Meeting with New Officers
NOTE: Keynote speakers will be revealed soon. Please check the 2012 Convention Information Page for the most up to date agenda.
The offices to be elected at the State Convention are:
1) Chairman
2) Vice-Chairman
3) Finance Chairman
4) Secretary
5) Treasurer
6) National Committeeman
7) National Committeewoman
8) Director of Club Development
If you are interested in running for any of these positions or have questions about whether anyone else is running for a particular position, please email me.
The following committees together with the following pro tem committee chairs will be meeting on Friday night immediately prior to the Friday evening welcome reception:
1) Credentials Committee, Chair Pro Tem: Megan Higginbotham, credentials@texasyoungrepublicans.com
2) Site Selection Committee, Chair Pro Tem: Brian Miller, Tarrant County YR’s, siteselection@texasyoungrepublicans.com
3) Constitution Committee, Chair Pro Tem: Elizabeth Miller-Niles Richard Morgan, Dallas County YR’s, constitution@texasyoungrepublicans.com
4) Resolutions Committee, Michael Dominguez, Austin YR’s, resolutions@texasyoungrepublicans.com
5) Awards Committee, John Cox, Brazos County YR’s, awards@texasyoungrepublicans.com
6) Rules Committee, Michael Holdman, Bexar County YR’s, rules@texasyoungrepublicans.com
The President of each federated club is entitled to make one appointment from their membership to each of the committees. If you are interested in serving on a committee, please contact your local club president. You do not need to be a convention delegate to serve on a committee.
Each club is entitled to send one voting delegate and one alternate to the convention for every seven club members. Each delegate or alternate must be a member of their local club at least 30 days prior to the convention. Please contact your club president if you interested in being a convention delegate.
Please keep in mind the following important deadlines:
- July 19, 2012 – Last Day for a club to renew members or sign up new members qualified to be delegates at the convention
- July 29, 2012 – Last Day for a club to submit their roster, club constitution, and dues for purposes of determining delegate strength to the chair of the Credentials Committee
- August 8, 2012 – Last Day to submit proposed changes to the TYRF Constitution
- August 13, 2012 – Last Day for Constitution Committee Chair to publish proposed changes to the TYRF Constitution
Mark C. Brown,
Texas Young Republican Federation