Howdy YRs!!

The Texas Young Republicans constantly work to make sure our voices are heard to fellow members of the Republican party, and other organizations and individuals.  At our 2012 TYRF Convention, the below resolutions were passed in order to showcase what we, as Republicans, have strong beliefs about.  These resolutions have been sent to varying members of Government in order to express what the Texas Young Republican Federation is about!!

1.  Resolution calling for concealed carry on college campuses
Author: Brian Bodine

WHERE AS: It is fundamentally wrong to deny citizens a right simply because the right is accompanied by a negligible risk.
WHERE AS: None of the forty ‘right-to-carry’ states has seen a resulting increase in gun violence since legalizing concealed carry.
WHERE AS: 19 of the 32 victims of the Virginia Tech massacre were over the age of 21 – the age of legal carry in Texas.
WHERE AS: States with the most lenient concealed handgun laws have extraordinarily low crime rates
RESOLVED: Adults with concealed handgun licenses be allowed to protect themselves on college campuses, the same way they’re currently allowed to protect themselves in most other unsecured locations.
RESOLVED: The Texas Young Republican Federation urges Republican state lawmakers to pass legislation allowing licensed concealed carry on college campuses.

2.  Integrity of Elections
Author: Mike Dominguez

WHERE AS: The cornerstone of our Representative Democracy is in our election process.
WHERE AS: The Texas Young Republican Federation believes in free and fair elections.
RESOLVED: The Texas Young Republican Federation supports and honors the leadership and courageousness of Attorney General Greg Abbott of Texas in his fight to preserve such rights.

3.  Loyalty of Party
Author: Mike Dominguez

WHERE AS: The Texas Young Republican Federation is an official auxiliary of the Republican Party.
RESOLVED: The Texas Young Republican Federation will not oppose any Republican Nominee.
RESOLVED: that the Texas Young Republican Federation will strengthen, build, and support the local, state, and national Republican Party.

4.  Freedom of Speech in the Market Place
Author: Richard Morgan

WHERE AS: the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech to all,
WHERE AS: The Constitution guarantees freedom of religious beliefs,
RESOLVED: The Texas Young Republican Federation stands with Chick-Fil-A and supports the company’s rights to express its views.

5.  Economic Freedom
Author: Mike Dominguez and Tim Ross

WHERE AS: The Texas Young Republican Federation affirms the basic economic rights of all Americans, which are derived from our rights to private property and commerce as declared in our founding documents.
RESOLVED: The Texas Young Republicans Federation opposes excessive regulation and excessive taxation of private capital.
RESOLVED: The Texas Young Republican Federation urges state and federal legislators to reduce spending, and support a “cap” on government spending at all levels with limited adjustments to the effects of inflation and population change.
RESOLVED: The Texas Young Republican Federation favor periodic audits of all governmental entities.
RESOLVED: The Texas Young Republican Federation encourages all governments and agencies to move to a zero balance budget for each department.