AUSTIN, Texas  In light of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit reaffirming its stay of the Biden administration’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate after President Joe Biden ignored the first court hold, the Texas Young Republican Federation released the following statement condemning the mandate and the president’s actions:

“President Biden is waging a war against businesses and workers by proceeding with his unconstitutional vaccine mandate despite the court’s decision to pause the requirements,” said Peyton LaBauve, Texas Young Republicans Policy Director. “Texans should not have to choose between providing for their families or facing unemployment for making a personal medical decision, whatever their reason. Our businesses and healthcare facilities rely on Texans coming to work – to force them into a decision that violates their conscience is not only an egregious overreach, but will cause shortages and disruptions across the state during a time when staffing is already being stretched and inflation is on the rise.”

“This mandate is unpopular, unfair, and unlawful,” LaBauve continued. “The Texas Young Republicans applaud the state of Texas for taking swift action against this blatant abuse of power from the federal government, and we will continue to fight for the freedoms that make Texas the greatest state.”

Within days of Biden’s announcement on the vaccine mandate for private companies, Texas joined several other states, businesses, and advocacy groups like the Texas Public Policy Foundation, in a lawsuit arguing the order amounted to government overreach. Republican attorneys general in at least 26 states have challenged Biden’s vaccine mandate and testing requirements in five different U.S. appeals courts. When the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals last weekend temporarily halted Biden’s vaccine mandate, it stated that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) rule has “grave statutory and constitutional issues.”


The Texas Young Republicans are the young professionals of the Republican party, charged with electing Republican candidates throughout the great state of Texas, and dedicated to preparing the next generation of conservatives leaders. We are an official Republican Party of Texas auxiliary focused on Republicans ages 18-40. We have over 2,200 active members, 35 chapters across the state, 40 elected members, and over 1.2 million annual voter contacts, and we are growing. For information about the Federation, visit

Media Contact: Texas YR Communications Director Genevieve Carter, 281-643-0069,