Today U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson ruled in favor of the United States Constitution and the American people when he ruled that last year’s health care law was unconstitutional because it violated the Commerce Clause.

“Federal Judge Roger Vinson took a stand with Texas today and the efforts of Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott. Our Attorney General spoke decisively and with conviction when he filed one of the first lawsuits on behalf of Texas, as did many other state Attorneys General, that the Health Care Law passed last year is unconstitutional. I am encouraged and so very proud to be in a state that is leading this country in protecting individual liberty, ” states Kristy Moore, Chair of the Texas Young Republican Federation.

The Health Care law has been widely unpopular since it was signed into law early last year and today the American people have been given a reprieve from intrusion into their personal lives, a dramatic increase in taxes, and the unconstitutional takeover of the private health care industry.

“Today Texans have another reason to be proud of the work done by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott. Because of his willingness to stand up against the federal takeover of our private health care industry, Texans are one step closer to being free of the unconstitutional mandates included in last year’s health care law.” states Brian Dawson, Political Action Director for the Texas Young Republican Federation.

The fight against last year’s health care law is sure to continue through the federal court system but today’s victory has set the tone for the fight to come. The Texas Young Republicans Federation encourages the United States Senate to take the next step towards ending this malicious policy by voting to repeal the law.