The Texas Young Republicans routinely survey our membership to determine what they think should be priority items of the Texas Legislature. At the TYRF 2020 Convention we passed a resolution with these legislative priorities for 2021:


Safeguard the right of all Texans to bear arms by adopting Constitutional Carry.

Abolish Abortion


Supporting bills that promote adoption, supporting Prenatal Non-Discrimination Act, the Heartbeat Bill, and the ultimate end of abortion in Texas.


Protecting the freedom of Texans to engage in economic activity without abusive “emergency” regulations, and restoring the proper balance of power between the Texas legislature and governor.

Cannabis Policy


Penalty reduction for personal possession of small amounts of cannabis. Expand the Texas Compassionate Use Program to allow greater access to medical cannabis for Texans.

Bail Reform


Bail in Texas should be based only on a person’s danger to society and risk of flight, not that person’s ability to pay.

2021 Legislation that TYRF Supports or Opposes

The TYRF Policy Committee regularly meets to discuss bills introduced by the Texas Legislature.

Below you will find a list of bills that we, the TYRF Policy Committee, have chosen to support or oppose. You can read the bills in their entirety by going to https://capitol.texas.gov/ and looking up the bill by its number.

For questions or comments please contact our policy director, Jason Vaugn, at policy@texasyr.gop

TopicPriorityTYRF PositionHB Number & CommitteeSB Number & CommitteeHB AuthorSB AuthorDescription
RegulationsSupportsHB1071 JCJCJHarrisRelating to the presence of a qualified facility dog or qualified therapy animal in certain court proceedings.
EducationSupportsHB1603 PEEHubertyRelating to the use of individual graduation committees and other alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements
CannabisYESSupportsHB3772 CJSB 1175 SAWhiteJohnsonRelating to the criminal and licensing consequences of certain criminal offenses involving the possession or delivery of marihuana and cannabis concentrate or possession of drug paraphernalia; imposing a fee; authorizing a fine.
CannabisSupportsHB94 PHSB 90 HHSReynoldsMenéndezRelating to authorizing the possession, use, cultivation, distribution, transportation, and delivery of medical cannabis for medical use by qualifying patients with certain debilitating medical conditions and the licensing of dispensing organizations and testing facilities; authorizing fees.
Government PowersYESSupportsSASB1025 SABirdwellRelating to the authority of the legislature, governor, and certain political subdivisions with respect to disasters and emergencies
Health CareSupportHB2487 PHSB1137 B&COliversonKolhkorstHospital price transparency
SupportsSB1146 HHSRelating to abortion reporting and exemptions to abortion facility licensing; creating a criminal offense.
Pro-LifeYESSupportsHB3218 PHSB1173 SASchaeferHancockRelating to the regulation of abortion, including information regarding perinatal palliative care and prohibiting discriminatory abortions; authorizing disciplinary action; providing a civil remedy; creating a criminal offense.
PoliceSupportsHB8 HSPSSB1205 JurPachecoSchwertnerRelating to access by a hiring law enforcement agency to an applicant's employment records.
GunsSupportsHSPSSB1253 SAHallRelating to the issuance and renewal of licenses to carry a handgun for purposes of reciprocity with other states.
"Let There Be Light"SupportsHB17 SASB1262 B&CDeshotelRelating to a restriction on the regulation of utility services and infrastructure based on the energy source to be used or delivered
Gender ModificationSupportHB2693 PHSB1311 SATothHallRelating to the provision of and professional liability insurance coverage for gender transitioning or gender reassignment medical procedures and treatments for certain children.
PoliceSupportSB1359 CJHughesRelating to adoption by law enforcement agencies of a mental health leave policy for peace officers.
CurfewSupportsHB561 JJFISB1486 CJIsraelHughesRelating to the repeal of the authority of political subdivisions to adopt or enforce juvenile curfews.
CannabisSupportsHB439 CJSB151 SACanalesJohnsonRelating to the criminal penalties for possession or delivery of marihuana and marihuana concentrate.
Health CareSupportHB2676 PHSB1558 HHSBonnenTaylorStillborn Record of Life
Pro-lifeYESSupportsHB3760 PHSB1647 SAOliversonPerryRelating to information regarding perinatal palliative care, regulation of abortion, and the availability of certain defenses to prosecution for homicide and assault offenses; providing an administrative penalty; creating criminal offenses.
GunsSupportsHB1500 SASB18 SAHefnerCreighton
Crim JusticeSupportsHB569 CJSB192 CJSanfordWestRelating to credit toward payment of a fine and costs for certain misdemeanants confined in jail or prison before sentencing.
CustodySupportHB2536 JJFISB2015 SAKrauseBuckinghamRelating to neglect of a child and the grounds for termination of the parent-child relationship and possession of a child by the Department of Family and Protective Services.
Government PowersSupportsHB25 ESB208 SASwansonRelating to a prohibition on the distribution of an application form for an early voting ballot.
CivicsSupportHB3979 PESB2202 SATothCreightonRelating to civics instruction public school students and instruction policies in public schools.
Crim JusticeSupportsHB1002 CJSB281 CJLucio IIIRelating to the use of hypnotically induced testimony in a criminal trial.
AbortionSupportsSB294 SAPerryRelating to reports on abortions performed at an abortion facility.
RedliningSupportJCJSB30 SAWestRelating to the removal of certain discriminatory restrictions and provisions from certain real property records.
Criminal JusticeSupportsHB834 CJSB301 CJThompson, SenfroniaHinojosaRelating to requiring the corroboration of certain testimony in a criminal case involving a controlled substance.
Government PowersYESSupportsSB422 SASpringerRelating to the establishment of the Emergency Powers Board and its powers during a declared state of disaster or public health disaster.
Witness TestimonySupportHB1636 CJSB492 CJShermanWestRelating to allowing therapy or facility dogs to accompany a child or a person with a disability during testimony in certain criminal cases.
GunsYESSupportsHB1927 HSPSSB540 SASchaeferSpringerRelating to authorizing certain person to carry a handgun
Sale of SuppressorsSupportHB957 SASB543 SAOliversonSpringerRelating to local, state, and federal regulation of firearm suppressors.
GunsYESSupportsSB546 SASpringerRelating to the places where a person may carry a handgun if the person is licensed to carry a handgun and to certain related criminal offenses.
Government PowersSupportsHB26 SASB547 SASwansonSpringerRelating to the governor's power to control the sale, transportation, and use of weapons and ammunition during a declared state of disaster or state of emergency.
GunsSupportsHB4358 HSPSSB550 SASpringerRelating to the manner of carrying a handgun by a person who holds a license under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code.
Government PowersSupportsSB551 SACampbellRelating to wages and employment benefits
Pro-lifeSupportsHB1291 PHSB573 SABell, KeithSpringerRelating to notice of the right to object to participation in an abortion procedure for health care personnel of a hospital or health care facility.
Liability ProtectionSupportHB3659 JCJSB6 B&CLeachHancockRelating to liability for certain claims arising during a pandemic or other disaster or emergency.
HomelessnessSupportHB1803 UASB646 LCWilsonRequire county approval for homeless shelters
Crim JusticeSupportsHB686 JJFISB687 CJMoodyLucioRelating to the release on parole of certain inmates convicted of an offense committed when younger than 18 years of age; changing parole eligibility.
Child CareSupportsHB1792 IREDSB694 HHSButtonZaffariniRelating to the evaluation of child-care providers participating in the Texas Rising Star Program.
Crim JusticeSupportsHB1293SB698 CJSmitheeHughesRelating to the authority of a court to grant a motion for a new trial in certain criminal cases.
Sports BettingSupportHB2070 SASB737 B&CHubertyHinojosaRelating to the regulation of sports wagering; requiring an occupational permit; authorizing a fee; imposing a tax; creating criminal offenses; decriminalizing wagering on sports events.
Pro-lifeYESSupportsHB1515 PHSB8 SASlawsonHughesRelating to prohibiting abortions after detection of an unborn child's heartbeat; authorizing an administrative penalty.
AbortionSupportHB2313 PHSB802 SALeachPaxtonRelating to a required resource access assistance offer before an abortion is performed.
CannabisSupportHB1694 PHSB811 CJRaneySchwertnerRelating to a defense to prosecution for certain offenses involving possession of small amounts of controlled substances, marihuana, dangerous drugs, or abusable volatile chemicals, or possession of drug paraphernalia for defendants seeking assistance for a suspected overdose.
10 Day RuleSupportHB2609 PHSB917 HHSParkerHughesRelating to advance directives or health care or treatment decisions made by or on behalf of patients.
Criminal JusticeSupportHB830 HSPSSB950 CJThompson, SenfroniaHinojosaRelating to law enforcement policies regarding the issuance of citations for misdemeanors punishable by fine only and to a limitation on the authority to arrest a person for certain fine-only misdemeanors.
Camping BanSupportHB1925 SASB987 LCCapriglioneBuckinghamRelating to prohibitions on camping in a public place; creating a criminal offense.
Government PowersSupportsHJR72 SASJR27 SALeachHancockProposing a constitutional amendment to prohibit this state or a political subdivision of this state from prohibiting or limiting a religious service conducted by a religious organization
CannabisYESSupportsHB1535 PHKlickRelating to the medical use of low-THC cannabis by patients with certain medical conditions and the establishment of compassionate-use institutional review boards to evaluate and approve proposed research programs to study the medical use of low-THC cannabis in the treatment of certain patients.
Bail ReformYESSupportsHB20 CJMurr
Government PowersYESSupportsHB340/629/1690 SACain/White/TinderholtRelating to the governor's power to control the sale, dispensing, transportation, storage, and use of alcoholic beverages, ammunition, explosives, combustibles, and weapons during a declared state of disaster or state of emergency.
CannabisYESSupportsHB99 CJTothRelating to the possession of two ounces or less of marihuana; authorizing a fee.
Crim JusticeYR CraftedSupportsHB3606 CorLeachRelating to the provision of vocational training to inmates confined in a Texas Department of Criminal Justice transfer facility
Crim JusticeYR CraftedSupportsHB4355 JJFIKrauseRelating to providing children committed to the Texas Juvenile Justice Department and prisoners serving a sentence in a county jail with certain documents on discharge or release.
SupportsHB1057 CRTOliversonRelating to designating November 7 as Victims of Communism Day
Government PowersSupportsHB1137 WMCainRelating to limiting the assessment of certain fees and taxes during a declared state of disaster.
CannabisSupportHB1178 CJCrockettRelating to removing criminal penalties for the possession of drug paraphernalia under the Texas Controlled Substances Act.
GunsOpposeHB118 HSPSOrtegaNational background check
Crim JusticeSupportsHB132 CJCanalesRelating to criminal asset forefeiture proceedings
Crim JusticeSupportsHB1340 CJLeachRelating to the extent of a defendant's criminal responsibility for the conduct of a coconspirator in certain capital felony cases.
TaxesSupportsHB1341 CRTLeach
GunsSupportsHB1387 HSHarrisRelating to the storage of firearms and ammunition in the same locked location in certain foster homes
Gender ModificationSupportHB1399 PHKrauseRelating to professional liability insurance coverage for and prohibitions on the provision to certain children of procedures and treatments for gender transitioning, gender reassignment, or gender dysphoria.
Pro-LifeSupportsHB1424 PHOliversonRelating to a health care provider's right to object to participation in a medical procedure that violates the provider's ethical, moral, or religious beliefs.
Pro-LifeSupportsHB1432 PHShaheenRelating to prohibiting certain discriminatory abortions; authorizing disciplinary action; authorizing an administrative penalty.
Criminal JusticeSupportsHB1441 CJSchaeferRelating to the state's burden of proof in certain asset forfeiture proceedings under the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Government PowersSupportsHB1517 LAPDuttonRelating to the hours for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages at certain licensed or permitted premises during special events
CannabisSupportHB1609 CJCrockett
CannabisSupportHB169 CJThompson, Senfronia
TaxesOpposeHB1705 W&MSchofieldRelating to the establishment of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that taxing units may impose on the residence homesteads of individuals who are disabled or elderly and their surviving spouses.
Crim JusticeSupportsHB1717Thompson, SRelating to the state's continuing duty to disclose exculpatory, impeachment, or mitigating evidence in a criminal case and prohibited retaliation against local assistant prosecutors for discharging that duty.
WaterSupportsHB1801 NRLarsonRelating to withdrawals of water from the Edwards Aquifer to supply a military installation.
AnimalsSupportsHB1818 B&IPattersonRelating to the source of dogs and cats sold by pet stores; providing a civil penalty.
GunsSupportsHB1856 HSPSHefnerRelating to carrying and storing a firearm or firearm ammunition by a hotel guest
GunsSupportsHB1911 HSPSWhiteRelating to provisions governing the carrying of a handgun by certain unlicensed persons and to other provisions related to the carrying, possessing, transporting, or storing of a firearm; providing criminal penalties.
WaterSupportsHB1926 NRWilsonRelating to the extension of water or sewer service by certain retail public utilities at the request of a developer.
PoliceSupportsHB1938 HSPSJettonRelating to a grant program for law enforcement agencies to defray the cost of data storage for recordings created with body worn cameras.
"Let There Be Light"SupportHB1951 SAPattersonRelating to electricity pricing rules and operating procedures that eliminate or compensate for market distortion caused by certain federal tax credits.
"Let There Be Light"SupportHB2084 WMCasonRelating to the eligibility of property used for renewable energy electric generation for ad valorem tax benefits under the Texas Economic Development Act.
Government PowersOpposesHB2206 ERTalaricoRelating to the Texas Climate Action Act.
CPS CustodySupportHB2308 JJFIGatesRelating to procedures in certain suits affecting the parent-child relationship filed by the Department of Family and Protective Services.
Community Service ReportSupportHB2384 CorShermanRelating to measures to improve community supervision outcomes.
Reinvestment ProgramSupportHB2442 CorWhiteRelating to the creation of the Justice Reinvestment Incentive Program.
Crim JusticeSupportsHB252 CJMoodyRelating to certain sentencing procedures in a capital case.
GamblingSupportHB2570 LAPKuempelAllows for pull tab bingo
CPSSupportHB2680 HSHullRelating to certain procedures relating to children placed under a parental child safety placement.
Pro-LifeSupportsHB2727 PHHefnerRelating to voluntary and informed consent to an abortion.
Criminal JusticeSupportHB275 CJMoodyRelating to an application for a writ of habeas corpus based on certain relevant scientific evidence that was not available at the applicant's trial.
Reentry HousingSupportsHB2754 CorAllenRelating to post-release housing for inmates released on parole or to mandatory supervision.
Criminal JusticeSupportHB295 CJMurrRelating to the provision of funding for indigent defense services.
CPSSupportHB3011 JJFIHullRelating to the contents of a petition in certain suits affecting the parent-child relationship.
TaxesSupportHB321 W&MHowardRelating to a sales and use tax exemption for certain feminine hygiene products.
Anti-semitismSupportHB3257 CRTKingRelating to the creation of the Texas Commission on Antisemitism.
Government PowersSupportsHB329 ECainRelating to election integrity.
Government PowersSupportsHB335 ECainRelating to the cancellation of a person's voter registration on notice that the person has acknowledged that the person is not a citizen; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense.
RegulationsSupport with AmendmentHB344 B&ICanalesRelating to the payment of gratuities to certain employees
ParoleSupportHB358 CORShermanRelating to certain technical violations of conditions of community supervision.
Crim JusticeSupportsHB3655 PHWhiteRelating to the authority of certain facilities to temporarily detain a person with mental illness
PoliceSupportsHB3712 HSPSThompson, EdRelating to the hiring and training of and policies for peace officers.
Crim JusticeSupportsHB385 CorPachecoRelating to conditions of community supervision and procedures applicable to the reduction or termination of a defendant's period of community supervision.
AnimalsSupportsHB399 CJShaheenRelating to a dog's restraint and shelter.
Property AppraisalSupportHB4269 W&MHullRelating to the procedure to be used by an appraisal review board to conduct a hearing on a protest.
Age of ResponsibilitySupportHB4371 JJFIAllenRelating to juvenile justice reform, including the age of a child at which a juvenile court may exercise jurisdiction over the child and the age of criminal responsibility.
CannabisSupportsHB441 CJZwienerRelating to the criminal and licensing consequences of certain marihuana possession and drug paraphernalia possession offenses; imposing a fee.
Dr PepperSupportHB4554 CRTCainRelating to the designation of Dr Pepper as the state soft drink.
CannabisSupportHB498 CJWu
GunsSupportsHB530 HSPSPattersonRelating to the applicability to election judges of a prohibition on the carrying of a handgun at a polling place
Government PowersSupportsHB61 ESwansonRelating to the signature required on an application for voter registration or for a ballot to be voted by mail.
Crim JusticeSupportsHB667 CJDuttonRelating to asset forfeiture proceedings under the Code of Criminal Procedure
AbortionSupportsHB69 PHTothRelating to prohibiting abortion at or after 12 weeks post-fertilization.
Death PenaltySupportHB77 CJTothRelating to prohibiting the death penalty for a defendant whose conviction is based solely on certain evidence.
Crim JusticeSupportsHB859 CJCollierRelating to the expunction of all records and files related to arrests for certain decriminalized misdemeanor offenses.
Government PowersSupportsHB906 SAKrauseRemoves the state or local government's authority to distinguish between "essential" and "nonessential" employment and services during a declared disaster
KnivesSupportHB956 CJDuttonRemoves restrictions on carrying knives
Bail ReformSupportHJR4 CJKacal
Government PowersSupportsHJR47 SAKrauseA special session is triggered if certain disaster or emergency declarations last for 30 days