Dear Texas Young Republicans:

I am only one, but still I am one.  I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.  –Edward Everett Hale

Thousands upon thousands of our fellow Texans woke up this morning to devastation and destruction.  Some lost their homes, some lost property, and too many are losing hope.

I am reaching out to you today—you, the next generation of Republican leadership in our state—to ask for your help in assisting our neighbors in south Texas who have been affected by the disastrous Hurricane Harvey.

As Republicans, our charge is simple: we must be the salt and light. We must lead with conviction and we must lead intentionally. And we understand that servant leadership is the mightiest form of leadership there is.

Will you join me in coordinating a Hurricane Harvey Relief volunteer effort within your chapter or club?  I am reaching out to you first, as I know that our young leadership is the group of Republicans who will lead the way on this, and set an example for the rest of the Party!

I am issuing a special challenge to ALL of our Texas Young Republican and College Republican chapters to participate in an #RPTServes project before September 15th to benefit Hurricane Harvey victims.

Below you will find a list of different service opportunities around the state to assist in helping our fellow Texans affected by the hurricane, but feel free to come up with your own way to serve!  Don’t forget to post photos to social media, tag @texasgop and use the hashtag, #RPTServes!

Suggested Organizations*:
San Antonio Food Bank:
Central Texas Food Bank:
Red Cross Volunteers:
Salvation Army Supplies Donation Collection:
Dallas Evacuee Donations:
Carter Bloodcare—Blood donations in North Texas:
San Antonio Blood Bank—Blood donations in South Texas:
Texas Diaper Bank—Donations:

We will be sending additional details and information soon. Please don’t forget to post your photos and stories of different service projects you are already doing in your communities or on your campus. I want to start spreading the good word across the state. I want to begin telling your story. I want us to start working as a team to tell OUR story.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your willingness lead the way on this important project.  Together, let’s stand up and do something to help our fellow Texans in need.

God Bless you and God Bless Texas,

Amy M. Clark
Vice Chairman, Republican Party of Texas

*groups not affiliated with nor endorsed by the Republican Party of Texas in any way