
About TexasYRs

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So far TexasYRs has created 93 blog entries.

Texas Young Republicans Praise US District Judge Henry T Hudson’s Decision on “Nationalized Healthcare”

December 14, 2010 In a dramatic blow to the attempt by the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats to nationalize health insurance, U.S. District Judge Henry T. Hudson ruled that the "individual mandate" -- the provision that forced citizens to purchase health insurance prescribed by the government or face hefty fines -- is un-Constitutional. Judge Hudson, [...]

By |2010-12-15T16:26:21-06:00December 15th, 2010|Media, News|

Texas Young Republicans Respond to Proposed Tax Compromise

Following a weekend of negotiation with Congressional Republicans, President Barack Obama outlined the framework of a compromise that would extend the tax rate reductions signed into law by President Bush in 2001 and 2003 for two years, along with a temporary reduction in the payroll tax by 2%, business investment credits, and a 2-year cut [...]

By |2010-12-06T16:27:13-06:00December 6th, 2010|Media, News, Press Release|

Texas Young Republicans Hold Annual Convention in Tyler, Hear From Prominent Elected Officials

Tyler, TX-August 10, 2010 - The Texas Young Republican Federation (TYRF) held their annual convention in Tyler, TX this weekend. Multiple items of business were discussed and convention attendees were treated to speeches by several guest speakers, including Congressman Louie Gohmert, State Senator Dan Patrick, State Senator Bob Deuell, State Representative Leo Berman (via conference) [...]

By |2019-02-16T19:33:24-06:00August 10th, 2010|Media, News|
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